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As the EU’s largest importer and processor of commodities falling under the EU regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR), the Netherlands plays a key role in global supply chains. Over the past years, the Netherlands has used this position to promote sustainability through multistakeholder processes, and bilateral and multilateral cooperation. To raise the bar within Europe and promote a level playing field, the Netherlands has welcomed the EUDR as a necessary next step in working towards sustainable supply chains and in meeting global biodiversity and climate targets.

LNV and NVWA are working on solid implementation
As the coordinating ministry for implementation of the EUDR, the Ministry for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) is well on track and committed to meet the implementation deadline of January 2025. In close cooperation with the Competent Authority (The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority – NVWA), preparations are made to ensure solid implementation while limiting interruption of trade in EUDR-associated goods. This work entails preparation by the NVWA and other involved government entities like customs as well as regular and intensive exchanges with the sectors to prepare them for the upcoming deadline, providing clarity on technical aspects.
Additionally, communication and exchange with partner countries are integral to this work. For example, through EUDR information sessions and dry-runs co-organized by the LNV Attaché Network (LAN), LNV and NVWA.
‘The EUDR can only deliver on its potential and promise through international cooperation with all stakeholders’
International cooperation with stakeholders is key
All to say: cooperation is key! LNV, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has always maintained that the EUDR can only deliver on its potential and promise through international cooperation with all stakeholders. With this edition of the Agrospecial e-magazine, we would like to highlight the important role that the LAN plays in The Netherlands' role in global supply chains under the EUDR. Moreover, we would like to provide insights from their perspective into what is happening in their respective countries and showcase examples of projects and actions the LAN is taking in promoting sustainable supply chains and responsible business conduct in light of the EUDR.
Once again, the emphasis is on cooperation. LNV and the LAN are committed to work with sectors, governments of producer and consumer countries, civil society, knowledge institutes and multilateral organizations in promoting sustainable food systems. We hope that this 11th edition of Agrospecial e-magazine will provide you with a better understanding of their work and inspire you to collaborate with them!
Enjoy your reading!
Marten van den Berg, DG Agro
Donné Slangen, DG Nature and Fisheries
Reading guide
The 11th edition of Agrospecial e-magazine ‘Impact of EU Deforestation Regulation worldwide’ showcases the opportunities and challenges associated with the EUDR from the perspective of the LNV Attaché Network (LAN). They introduce us to their related work, provide insights into what is happening in their respective countries, and showcase examples of projects and actions the LAN is taking in promoting sustainable supply chains and responsible business conduct. Once again, cooperation is key, the LAN plays a crucial role in this work.
- The layout of this magazine is organized by continent (Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe) including points of view from the Dutch public and the not-for-profit domain. Through the drop-down menu at the top left, you will find all articles. Within each continent, the articles of the countries are structured in alphabetical order.
- Once you have opened and read an article, you can use the scroll bar on the right or left side of the screen or swipe up and down on your mobile device to navigate through the content.
- Continue scrolling to explore all the information, analysis, and insights within the Agrospecial. You may encounter images, graphs, tables, and text that are relevant to the agricultural sector and food production in that specific area.
June 2024